Parties’ group appeals across time, countries, and communication channels—examining appeals to social groups via the Parties’ Group Appeals Dataset

Party Politics, Ahead of Print.
While policy appeals receive the bulk of scholars’ attention, recent studies show that group appeals are prevalent in parties' election campaign materials to voters over time. Yet, few studies to date focus on group appeals as a distinct concept, and little data are available to support longitudinal and cross-national examinations. Aiming to better understand group-based appeals’ role in political processes, this article introduces new and unique data using a concise definition of group appeals, contributing to this growing literature. The Parties’ Group Appeals Dataset (PGAD) provides text-as-data from manual analyses of 69 parties' names, 249 manifestos, and 2772 print campaign advertisements in Israel and the Netherlands between 1977 and 2015, offering one of the first (if not the first) opportunities to compare parties' group appeals over time, between countries, and across communication channels.