Book review: Narrations about the Fringe Review of Reading the Margins, History, Culture, Literature

Contemporary Voice of Dalit, Ahead of Print.
Narrations about the Fringe Review of Reading the Margins, History, Culture, Literature. Edited by Provakar Palaka (Mumbai: People’s Literature Publication, 2020), 279pp., ₹750. ISBN-13: 978-8193485668 (Paperback)

Book review: The Intersectional Ties of Caste, Class and Language in the Making of the Goanese

Contemporary Voice of Dalit, Ahead of Print.
Jason Keith Fernandes, Citizenship in a Caste Polity: Religion, Language and Belonging in Goa. New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan, 2020, 361 + xvi pp., ₹900 (hardback). ISBN-10: 9352879945; ISBN-13: 978-9352879946.