Strategic alignment of open government initiatives in Andalusia

International Review of Administrative Sciences, Volume 89, Issue 3, Page 685-702, September 2023.
The emergence of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has put emphasis on the open government approach (OG), provoking a cultural change in both the citizenry (demanding new ways of collaborating with public administration and more openness in government), and in the public administrations (adapting their structures and processes to support civic participation). This article analyzes both the strategies followed by local governments in implementing OG initiatives and the level of alignment of the objectives included in the municipal OG strategies with those settled by the regional government to which they belong. Empirical research on the OG objectives included in the strategic planning of large-size Andalusian municipalities has been performed. Findings reveal that most local governments are implementing a push strategy based only on more openness in government (mainly owing to normative requirements). Additionally, the objectives included in both the economic and governance dimensions are those included in the OG initiatives in municipalities, although each one has a particular way of adopting digital and OG strategies consistent with their municipal priorities and circumstances.Points for practitionersThis study brings a novel insight to public managers and politicians concerning OG initiative adoption. It highlights both the limitations of current OG initiatives developed by public administration and the importance of citizens’ involvement in them in order to acquire trust in government. The current economic situation favors and increases mistrust in the citizen, who feels great disappointment in governments and political leaders. This could be minimized with the creation of spaces for municipal collaboration, where public managers and politicians may capture the voice of citizens directly and the strategic alignment in the OG strategies for efficiently reaching economic and social outcomes for the citizenry. Also, OG implementation experiences should be shared, so that more reticent local governments could be made aware of the potential.