Creating Enterprise Ecosystem in Left Wing Extremism Affected Areas: A Case on Inclusive Entrepreneurship

Contemporary Voice of Dalit, Ahead of Print.
Rural development is a key component and main pillar of the approach towards the development of the nation. Inclusive entrepreneurship (IE) has been propounded to support development of enterprises for the disfranchised and underprivileged section of population. This article studies the IE framework, as developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and implemented in many European countries, and applies the same to a village entrepreneurship development programme in left wing extremism affected rural areas of India. In the process it suggests an implementation framework for setting up and sustaining an IE ecosystem. The study is based on the implementation of SVEP programme in 12 blocks in 6 states which have been infested with Naxal extremities and have been classified as LWE by government of India. The learning brings out the importance of community ownership and the role of creating a team with members from the same localities. The role of capacity building and handholding of entrepreneurs comes up as a prime requirement of the sustainability of enterprises and the ecosystem.