Contemporary Voice of Dalit, Ahead of Print.
In the discourse of the sustainable development goals, the idea of ‘leave no one behind’ has a critical role. Social inclusion is an important dimension in the discourse of sustainable development. This dimension ensures inclusiveness at various levels of society. In the Indian context, this concept is highly useful to understand the multi-layered problem of agricultural labour. The study’s objectives were to understand the status of social inclusion and evaluate the influence of socio-economic factors on social inclusion. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and the ordered regression analysis method. The study was conducted in Haryana, and the total sample size was 401. Study found that agricultural labourers live in deplorable conditions and face significant social exclusion in society. They experience exclusion in the labour market, on the financial front, and on the social relations front. Furthermore, the study revealed that socio-economic characteristics play a central role in determining the social inclusion. Based on the findings, the study advocates that the multi-layered problem of agriculture can be understood by using the multi-dimensional concept. Government assistance at multi-level to agricultural labour force can ratify their empowerment and inclusion.