Category Archives: Postcolonial Studies: Table of Contents
Fragility as metaphor: disability, difference and postcoloniality in Firdaus Kanga’s Trying to Grow
Dialectics of impairment: historical anxieties in late-colonial Bengali fictional narratives on disability
Paired with the impaired: disability, disaster and the role of the nation in Indra Sinha’s Animal’s People
Imperial optics and colonial disability: missions to blind and deaf children in ‘the East’, c. 1880-1939
Disabling labour: race, disability and Indian indentured labour on Fijian sugar plantations, 1879–1920
‘A paradise among leprosariums’: Hansen’s disease and affective containment in the Panama Canal Zone
Under the Southern Cross: Helen Keller, disability politics, and apartheid South Africa
Are tradition and modernity antagonistic? Ambedkar in and against the postcolonial project