Digitalisation and political parties in Europe

Party Politics, Ahead of Print.
In this article we have attempted to improve our understanding of the influence of various factors, such as the level of organizational resources, age, ideology and values, on the digitalization of political parties oriented towards participation and resource mobilization. To do this, we use version four of the Political Party Database Round (PPDB) (2022), which covers 187 parties in 26 European countries. We focus on 10 of the largest party families. The data and variables have been analyzed using various descriptive and inferential statistics. The results indicate an important level of similarity between political parties in the adoption of digital instruments. The level of resources, age and ideology, and values associated with the different party families present important explanatory and predictive limitations. We consider that the indicated results may be a consequence of a process of institutional isomoformism.

‘When in Rome do as the Romans do’ or ‘Rome is for Romans only’? How the search for a classification of the Finns Party could clear a way through the taxonomical jungle of the European far-right

Party Politics, Ahead of Print.
The first aim of this study is to put the Finns Party on the academic map of the European far-right. Whilst averaging almost one-fifth of the vote over the last four general elections, it has been curiously absent from the comparative parties’ literature. The second aim is to consider how the search for an appropriate classification of the Finns Party might help to navigate a way through the terminological maze of parties parading under the European far-right umbrella. The starting point is a simple, working definition of the two main sub-types – radical right and extreme right – which the article provides. It also canvasses wider recognition of the intraparty dynamics and coalitional character of far-right parties and the need to incorporate a greater role for social media into work on party classification, not least in providing a mouthpiece for extremist elements. In the Finns Party’s case, an online extreme-right faction was able to exert disproportionate influence within, and ultimately capture the party.

Continuity and Change of Folklore among Irulas of Kerala: Discourse Analysis of Tribal Folk Songs from the South Indian State of India

Contemporary Voice of Dalit, Ahead of Print.
This article focuses on an interpretive approach to interpret the lyrics of Irulas of Attapadi, Kerala, India. India is a country that has a rich diversity of culture and folklore. Folklore occupied a pivotal place in the life and culture of people in India. Most of the tribal communities have their folk forms and songs. The knowledge and life experiences related to nature, myth, history, morals, rituals, taboos, etc, are conveyed through these songs. An attempt is made in the article to interpret the lyrics of Irula songs which they believe that the soul of the song lies in the lyrics. Further, an ethnographic attempt is made in the article to explore and analyse the lyrics of folk songs of the Irulas, how Irula maintained the bond with nature, through folklore tradition and to enquire what the contemporary existence, continuity and change of this folkloric tradition on the life and lore of Irula tribe of Kerala by using discourse analysis. For this article, we used both primary and secondary sources of data.