Preventive Healthcare Screening Completion Among Midlife and Older Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Journal of Applied Gerontology, Ahead of Print.
Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) face several barriers to healthcare, making them less likely to receive numerous routine preventive health screenings. Preventive healthcare is a critical aspect to maintaining health and wellness, particularly for people with complex health needs. This study examines individual- and state-level factors associated with mammogram and colonoscopy screenings in mid- and later-life foradults with IDD receiving state services. Multilevel logistic regression models analyzed data from the 2012-2013 and 2018-2019 waves of the National Core Indicators In-Person Survey (NCI-IPS). Results indicated that factors such as age, living situation, transportation access, and community involvement were associated with completion of both preventive screenings. Medicaid expansion was associated with a significantly greater likelihood of completing a colonoscopy screening only among younger persons in the sample (i.e., in their 50s). These findings may have implications for completion of preventive health screenings for adults with IDD.