Archive for the Psychology of Religion, Ahead of Print.
This article investigates whether there are differences in religious and spiritual (R/S) beliefs, attitudes, practices, training, and self-assessed competence between counselors and psychologists in Canada. Researchers surveyed 307 mental health professionals in Canada with two standardized measures (the Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments Scale and the Duke University Religion Index) and various other questions corresponding to variables investigated or alluded to in past research. We hypothesized that, compared with psychologists, counselors would (a) have stronger personal R/S beliefs, (b) demonstrate more positive attitudes about the appropriateness of using R/S techniques with clients, (c) utilize R/S techniques more in sessions, (d) possess more positive attitudes toward training in this area, and (e) have higher self-assessed competence for working with R/S clients. These hypotheses were generally supported except for the last one: there were no significant differences found between counselors and psychologists in self-assessed competence in working with R/S clients. We compare our findings to those of extant research, particularly the study by Plumb who examined counselors in Canada. On the basis of our findings, we advocate for more systematic cultivation of R/S competence in programs for both counselors and psychologists in Canada.