Category Archives: Aging & Mental Health
Remotely-administered resilience and self-compassion intervention targeting loneliness and stress in older adults: a single-case experimental design
Individual-level community-based social capital and depressive symptoms among older adults in urban China: the moderating effects of socioeconomic status
Specific aspects of religious involvement protect against depressive symptoms among immigrant versus U.S.-born, Hispanic older adults
A systematic review of psychosocial interventions for people with intellectual disabilities and dementia
Living with Parkinson’s in England during and beyond COVID-19 restrictions: a longitudinal qualitative study
Mental health effects of adult children’s outmigration on older parents in Central and Eastern Europe
Validation of the Spanish version of the Perceived Control Scale: Perceived Constraints on Personal Control and Perceived Mastery
Evaluation of the SPAN intervention for people living with young-onset dementia in the community and their family caregivers: a randomized controlled trial
Cognitive function among religious and non-religious Europeans: a cross-national cohort study