Category Archives: Aphasiology
Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) treatment in L1 and L2 in bilingual aphasia: Effects of cognitive and language factors
Semantic relatedness and the cocktail party problem in aphasia: A hybrid remote/in-lab study
Harnessing insights from a community of practice to progress aphasia psychological care in Ireland: A mixed methods integration study informed by normalisation process theory
Predicting Confrontation Naming in the Logopenic Variant of Primary Progressive Aphasia
Action naming deficits in Parkinson’s disease: the role of semantic complexity
The management of multilingual adults with aphasia in Malaysia: current practices, needs, and challenges
Assessment of verb and sentence processing deficits in stroke-induced aphasia: the Italian version of the Northwestern Assessment of Verbs and Sentences (NAVS-I)
The Effects of Word Frequency, Age of Acquisition, Animacy, and Grammatical Class on Picture Naming by Volunteers and People with Aphasia
Determinants of Healthcare Expenditures among People with Aphasia: Importance of Race, Sex, Residence, and Aphasia Type