Category Archives: Applied Neuropsychology
The transition from Mild Cognitive Impairment of the Amnestic Type to early dementia: A phenomenological and neuropsychological case analysis
Face-to-face vs. Telerehabilitation language and cognitive training in patients with multi-domain amnestic mild cognitive impairment
A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests: Fundamentals of neuropsychological assessment and test reviews for clinical practice (4th ed.)
Everyday memory in patients with depression: An explorative pilot study using an ecological assessment paradigm
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA): An update normative study for the Portuguese population
Neuropragmatics: A scientometric review
Multivariate examination of embedded indicators of performance validity for ADHD evaluations: A targeted approach
Visuospatial memory profile of patients with Parkinson’s disease
Intelligence is a poor predictor of nonrestorability of competence to stand trial