Category Archives: Applied Neuropsychology
The impact of subcortical stroke-related aphasia on executive functions and working memory
Investigation of the gait parameters after donepezil treatment in patients with alzheimer’ s disease
Acquired reading impairment following brain injury
Assessing learning potential in elderly stroke patients: The validity of the dynamic Clock Drawing Task in comparison with the dynamic Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Classification of neuroimaging data in Alzheimer’s disease using particle swarm optimization: A systematic review
Return to work following mild traumatic brain injury: Psychological and cognitive factors in a litigating sample in the post acute stage of recovery
The Trail Making Test (part B) is associated with working memory: A concurrent validity study
Cross-cultural adaptation of the web-based executive functioning questionnaire for Brazilian sample (Webexec-BR)
Assessment of learning and memory impairments in adults with predominately inattentive versus combined presentation attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder