Category Archives: Applied Neuropsychology
Racial differences in positive findings on embedded performance validity tests
Which motor-cognitive abilities underlie the digital Trail-Making Test? Decomposing various test scores to detect cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease—Pilot study
Normative data for the story recall subtest of the BEM-144 in the Quebec-French population aged 50 years and over
From pleasure to punding: Distinct patterns of anhedonia and impulsivity linked to motivational disturbances in Parkinson disease
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV Cognitive Proficiency Index: alternate form reliability of the nine possible subtest tetrads
Classification of performance validity and symptom validity using the Trauma Symptom Inventory-2
Can executive functions of the brain predict official driving test success?
Examining the item composition of the RBS in veterans undergoing neuropsychological evaluation
Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the ALBA screening instrument for Lewy body dementia in older adults