Category Archives: Applied Neuropsychology
Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis phenotypes: Neuropsychological assessment in a portuguese sample
Is it possible to promote executive functions in university students? Evidence of effectiveness of the πFEx-Academics
Relationship of psychological/mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) history and invalid reporting to self-reported executive function
The English-language version of the Self-Report Symptom Inventory: a pilot analogue study with feigned head injury sequelae
When is memory more reliable? Scientific findings, theories, and myths
A further study of the psychometric qualities of the Strange Stories-Revised across the three stages of aging
Interpreting symptom validity test fails in forensic disability and related assessments: When the cry for help for one fail makes sense
Neurocognitive functioning of patients with early-stage Parkinson’s disease
The cognitive and cognitive-motor training contribution to the improvement of different aspects of executive functions in healthy adults aged 65 years and above—A randomized controlled trial