Category Archives: Applied Neuropsychology
The adaptation of the Object and Action Naming Battery into Moroccan Arabic: Norms for name agreement, frequency, imageability, visual complexity, and age of acquisition
The association of depression and apathy with Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers in a cross-cultural sample
Auditory verbal learning test can lateralize hippocampal sclerosis
Are correlations among behavioral decision making tasks moderated by simulated cognitive impairment?
Inter-rater variability in scoring of Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination-Third Edition (ACE-III) protocols
Cognitive and psychological improvements following CogSMART in veterans with mental health diagnoses
Impaired processing of conspecifics in Parkinson’s disease
The relationship of the clinician-rated Functional Status Interview with executive functioning
Measuring social cognition within the university: The Social Cognition Psychometric Evaluation (SCOPE) battery in an undergraduate sample