Category Archives: Applied Neuropsychology
The 8-item NHANES pocket smell test®: Normative data
Cognitive flexibility in schizophrenia: A confirmatory factor analysis of neuropsychological measures
Role of light walking pace on cognition: Findings from the Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study
Stability in cognitive classification as a function of severity of impairment and ethnicity: A longitudinal analysis
Role of music therapy in improving cognitive function post-traumatic brain injury: A systematic review
Normative data for the Tower of London (Drexel version) in the Quebec-French population aged between 50 and 88 years
Influence of age, education, and blast exposure on the Test of Memory Malingering in an active-duty military sample
A meta-analytic review examining the validity of executive functioning tests to predict functional outcomes in individuals with a traumatic brain injury
“Talk and Chalk”: An emotion regulation intervention for anger after acquired brain injury