The moderating roles of resilience and social support in the relationships between bullying victimization and well‐being among Chinese adolescents: Evidence from PISA 2018


Bullying victimization can undermine adolescents' well-being. However, few studies have comprehensively investigated the contributions of various victimization forms to well-being and compared which forms were more harmful than others. Evidence on whether resilience and social support moderate such associations is also limited. Using a sample of 12,058 Chinese adolescents in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018, this cross-sectional study aimed to (1) investigate the associations of physical, verbal and relational victimization with well-being; (2) compare the strengths of these associations; and (3) examine the moderating roles of resilience and teacher and parent support in these associations. Results showed that three victimization forms were associated with poorer well-being. Relational and physical victimization were more harmful to most studied well-being outcomes than verbal victimization. Furthermore, resilience weakened the negative effects of physical victimization on negative affect and life satisfaction but aggravated the negative effects of verbal victimization on both outcomes and the negative effect of relational victimization on school belonging. Teacher support intensified the negative effects of physical victimization on school belonging. Parent support was not effective in regulating the victimization–well-being association. The findings underscored the detrimental effects of bullying victimization on adolescents' well-being and the potentially harmful sides of resilience and social support. Implications for bullying prevention were discussed.

Life motion signals bias the perception of apparent motion direction


Walking direction conveyed by biological motion (BM) cues, which humans are highly sensitive to since birth, can elicit involuntary shifts of attention to enhance the detection of static targets. Here, we demonstrated that such intrinsic sensitivity to walking direction could also modulate the direction perception of simultaneously presented dynamic stimuli. We showed that the perceived direction of apparent motion was biased towards the walking direction even though observers had been informed in advance that the walking direction of BM did not predict the apparent motion direction. In particular, rightward BM cues had an advantage over leftward BM cues in altering the perception of motion direction. Intriguingly, this perceptual bias disappeared when BM cues were shown inverted, or when the critical biological characteristics were removed from the cues. Critically, both the perceptual direction bias and the rightward advantage persisted even when only local BM cues were presented without any global configuration. Furthermore, the rightward advantage was found to be specific to social cues (i.e., BM), as it vanished when non-social cues (i.e., arrows) were utilized. Taken together, these findings support the existence of a specific processing mechanism for life motion signals and shed new light on their influences in a dynamic environment.

A test of the Morality‐Agency‐Communion (MAC) model of respect and liking across positive and negative traits


The Morality-Agency-Communion (MAC) model of respect and liking suggests that traits linked with morality are important for respect and liking; traits related to competence or assertiveness are important for respect and traits related to warmth are important for liking. However, tests of this model have tended not to consider traits related to immorality, incompetence, lack of assertiveness or coldness. This study addressed this issue by utilizing a within-subjects design in which participants were required to rate their respect and liking for individuals with specific trait types across four categories (moral; competence; assertiveness; and warmth) at three levels (positive, negative and neutral). The central tenets of the MAC model were supported for ‘positive’ traits (morality, competence, assertiveness and warmth). However, for ‘negative’ traits (immorality, incompetence and lack of assertiveness), individuals were similarly not liked and not respected. Individuals who were cold were respected more than liked. The findings of this study extend the MAC model by indicating that the amount that individuals are respected versus liked depends not only on trait type but also whether a trait is positive or negative.

Attentional asymmetries in peripheral vision


Previous research on the use of peripheral vision to identify two spatially separated stimuli simultaneously has led to the conclusion that the focus of attention has the form of a symmetric ellipse with a broader expansion along the horizontal compared to the vertical meridian. However, research on pseudoneglect has indicated that attention is not symmetrically distributed to the whole visual field. Here, we test if the attention window is indeed symmetrical with regard to its shape and resolution during peripheral vision. The results indicate that the position of those stimuli relative to the focus of attention influences the ability to identify a given set of stimuli. Specifically, stimuli presented to the left and top of the fixation point were more frequently identified correctly compared to those presented to the right bottom. That is, the attention window is rather not symmetric, which must be considered in future studies on the nature of the focus of attention.

Comparison of face‐based and voice‐based first impressions in a Chinese sample


People often form first impressions of others based on face and/or voice cues. This study aimed to compare the first impressions formed under these two cues. First, we compared free descriptions based on face and voice cues and found differences in the content and frequency of the personality words. We then compiled three wordlists used for face-based and voice-based first impression evaluations separately or simultaneously. Second, using these wordlists, we compared face-based and voice-based first impression ratings and found that both had significant intra-rater and inter-rater reliability. However, using the mean of the actors' self-rating and their acquaintance rating as the validity criterion, only the ratings of ‘ingenuous’ and ‘mature’ traits in the face-based first impression evaluation were significantly correlated with the validity criterion. Factor analysis revealed that face-based first impression had the dimensions of capability and approachability, while voice-based first impression had capability, approachability and reliability. The findings indicate that stable first impressions can be formed by either face or voice cues. However, the specific composition of impressions will vary between the cues. These results also provide a foundation for studying first impressions formed by an integrated perception of voice and face cues.

Effects of relative deprivation on change in displaced aggression and the underlying motivation mechanism: A three‐wave cross‐lagged analysis


Displaced aggression refers to pernicious acts against innocent people. To date, little is known about mechanisms underlying dynamic changes in displaced aggression. The present study constructed a cross-lagged model to examine the dynamic effects of relative deprivation on displaced aggression and the mediation mechanisms underlying these effects. A total of 1130 undergraduate students participated in this three-wave longitudinal study. The results showed that relative deprivation predicted changes in displaced aggression through concurrent changes in levels of hostile attribution bias and moral disengagement. Hostile attribution bias and moral disengagement could predict each other longitudinally. The relationships between relative deprivation and displaced aggression, and relative deprivation and hostile attribution bias were mutual. This multiple mediation model with two mutually predicting mediators was explained from the aggressive motivation perspective. The findings help inform aggression theories and have implications for the prevention of and interventions against displaced aggression.