Category Archives: Health Psychology Review
The concept of treatment beliefs in children and adolescents with chronic health conditions: a scoping review
The effectiveness of psychological interventions for reducing poor body image in endometriosis, PCOS and other gynaecological conditions: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Emotion suppression and acute physiological responses to stress in healthy populations: a quantitative review of experimental and correlational investigations
Mindfulness enhances cognitive functioning: a meta-analysis of 111 randomized controlled trials
Identifying the active ingredients of training interventions for healthcare professionals to promote and support increased levels of physical activity in adults with heart failure: a systematic review
Gay community involvement and the sexual health behaviours of sexual minority men: a systematic review and directions for future research
Contextualising flexible nonlinear periodization as a person-adaptive behavioral model for exercise maintenance
Psychosocial and behavioural predictors of immune response to influenza vaccination: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Effects of digital health interventions on the psychological outcomes of perinatal women: umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses