When a Sibling Has Autism: Narrative Review of Interventions for Typically Developing Siblings

Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Being a typically developing sibling to a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD-Sib) can be associated with several behavioral and mental health problems. With this understanding, researchers are beginning to focus on sibling-oriented interventions. This review seeks to evaluate the current literature on such interventions. We searched digital databases and identified eight relevant studies. The sample (n = 247) had an age range of 4–16 years. The outcomes were generally positive, with improvements in different facets of ASD-Sibs. Results differed due to varied intervention styles, outcome variables, methods, and samples. Our findings highlight the potential for improvement in ASD-Sib’s knowledge of autism and their psychological functioning and hence call for further research with robust methods.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Enhanced Habit Reversal Training: A Clinical Case of Childhood-Onset Trichotillomania in an Adult With Impulsive Personality Features

Clinical Case Studies, Ahead of Print.
Research has recognised the psychosocial impairments linked to Trichotillomania (TTM) and established a relationship between problematic hair-pulling and affective regulation. Significant relationships between pulling triggers, their severity, and emotional dysregulation have also been predicted. The current case focused on the efficacy of combined DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) and HRT (Habit Reversal Training) in a client with TTM and Impulsive Personality features. The client received 11 weekly sessions of DBT-enhanced HRT, which took 3 months to complete. Following the end of this acute treatment phase, four maintenance sessions (two sessions per month) were delivered. The maintenance of treatment benefits was assessed using self-report measures and therapist observations at four time points: at pre-treatment, after the acute treatment phase (at the end of 3 months), and then at a 3-month and a 6-month follow-up. The intervention results suggested a substantial reduction in hair-pulling, hair regrowth in affected parts of the scalp, and self-reported improvements in mood. The study also shows preliminary evidence of DBT-enhanced HRT’s efficacy in a client with TTM and Impulsive Personality features, suggesting the importance of addressing personality structures and distressing emotional regulation that cause functional impairment during TTM treatment.

Wald χ2 Test for Differential Item Functioning Detection with Polytomous Items in Multilevel Data

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
Identifying items with differential item functioning (DIF) in an assessment is a crucial step for achieving equitable measurement. One critical issue that has not been fully addressed with existing studies is how DIF items can be detected when data are multilevel. In the present study, we introduced a Lord’s Wald [math] test-based procedure for detecting both uniform and non-uniform DIF with polytomous items in the presence of the ubiquitous multilevel data structure. The proposed approach is a multilevel extension of a two-stage procedure, which identifies anchor items in its first stage and formally evaluates candidate items in the second stage. We applied the Metropolis–Hastings Robbins–Monro (MH-RM) algorithm to estimate multilevel polytomous item response theory (IRT) models and to obtain accurate covariance matrices. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, we conducted a preliminary simulation study that considered various conditions to mimic real-world scenarios. The simulation results indicated that the proposed approach has great power for identifying DIF items and well controls the Type I error rate. Limitations and future research directions were also discussed.