Category Archives: Arts & Health: Table of Contents
Visual art- and music-based interventions as adjuvants in the treatment of eating disorders: a systematic review and a theoretical model
Enhancing social connections through an acting and improvisation course for older Americans in low-income housing
The experience of visual art for people living with mild-to-moderate vision loss
Videoconference-based Creativity Workshops for mental health staff during the COVID-19 pandemic
Visual representations of coping with body dysmorphic disorder: a multimodal hermeneutic phenomenological approach
Creating a difference – a role for the arts in addressing child wellbeing in conflict-affected areas
Impact of creative dance on subjective well-being amongst older adults: an arts-informed photo-elicitation study
“Unplug to recharge”: accessing respite through song in a culturally and linguistically diverse perinatal context
Italian adolescents’ perception of tele-psychodrama treatment during the COVID-19 Pandemic