Category Archives: Culture and Organization: Table of Contents
Toiling from the homespace, longing for the workplace: gendered workplace imaginaries in an (in)flexible work scenario
Neither work nor leisure: temporalities and life world realities of split shift work in the Austrian care sector
Is physical co-presence a prerequisite for Durkheimian collective effervescence? Reflections on remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic
Tags, tagging, tagged, # – undisciplining organ-ization of [academic] bodies
‘Another work routine is possible’: everyday experiences of (unexpected) remote work in Italy
‘You’re walking on eggshells’: exploring subjective experiences of workplace tracking
‘Half of my body is at work and the other half at home’: narratives of placemaking while working from homes in rural and small-town India
Writing with silent bodies: a pandemic play in three scenes
Myth and the market: An introduction