Category Archives: Disability & Society: Table of Contents
What’s in a news image? Framing people with disabilities in the changing society of China
This changes everything: a critical reflection on the impact of internalized ableist constructs on becoming a disabled mother
Between safety and isolation: the governmental-ministerial approach to care homes in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic
An ecological approach to self-reflections on the inaccessibility of arts and cultural activities to wheelchair users
Inclusion in Ghanaian public universities: a focus on student voices
Confucianism and human rights – exploring the philosophical base for inclusive education for children with disabilities in China
No longer free to be Deaf: Cultural, medical and social understandings of d/Deafness in prison
Are we talking the same language? Contestable discourses between university staff accommodating students with disability
Building capacity to engage in co-produced research: reflections from a digital storytelling project