Category Archives: Disability & Society: Table of Contents
‘Sick with stress’: perspectives on airport travel from persons living with dementia and their travel companions
Zimbabwe’s fast-track land reform at 20: exploring disability inclusion and the attendant policy implications
How cure was justified: rhetorical strategies for the treatment of colour vision deficiency in the 1970s and 1980s in Japan
Accumulated social vulnerability and experiences of psycho-trauma among women living with albinism in Tanzania
Intersectional theory and disadvantage: a tool for decolonisation
Metanarratives of visual impairment rehabilitation: the discursive positioning of disabled service users in South Africa
Against the rules – disrupting and reassessing discursive practices of playfulness
The ‘normal’ physical education classes: the ableism facing the inclusion of disabled students
Child welfare system inequities experienced by disabled parents: towards a conceptual framework