Category Archives: Disability & Society: Table of Contents
The paradox of ‘positive energy’ (zheng nengliang): the complex affective realities of people with hearing impairments in china’s service industry
Decisions, practices, and experiences of disclosure by academics with invisible disabilities at German universities
The CRPD and the economic model of disability: undue burdens and invisible work
Crip Intimacy: Sockfriends, Sexuality, and ‘Cripped Things’
The relationality of workplace accessibility – employers’ perceptions of accessibility and the impact on recruitment of wheelchair users
Abandonment of newborns with impairments in surrogacy: rights protection in China and beyond
Social support and rights protection of disabled women in anti-trafficking in China
Accessibility of public buildings in the United States: a cross-sectional survey
Experience of university life by disabled undergraduate students: the need to consider extra-curricular opportunities