Category Archives: Disability & Society: Table of Contents
‘Then you realise you can actually do it’: young disabled people negotiating challenges during times of transitioning into adulthood
Narratives and recovery from negative symptoms in psychosis – a co-constructive study
Art-based way of telling the world I am autistic and trying sense-making of this experience
Just a show: the home-delivery education policy for children with disabilities in China
Being a disabled woman in a global pandemic: a focus group study in the United States along with policy recommendations
How can information be ‘barrier-free’? A critical reading of china’s web accessibility policies in the 21st century
Exploring romantic need as part of mental health social care practice
Barriers to cultural participation by people with disabilities in Europe: a study across 28 countries
Conceptualizing socio-emotional disablism: a duoethnography of Crohn’s disease and OCD during COVID-19