Category Archives: Disability & Society: Table of Contents
Safety and accessibility for persons with disabilities in the Swedish transport system – prioritization and conceptual boundaries
The double empathy problem and the problem of empathy: neurodiversifying phenomenology
‘Like an unbridled horse that runs away with you’: a study of older and disabled people during the COVID-19 pandemic and their use of digital technologies
Supporting Indigenous people with disability in contact with the justice system: a systematic scoping review
Emerging resilience: stress and coping strategies in Chinese families living with children with disabilities
The dignity experience of people with disability when using trains and buses in an Australian city
Disability by association for siblings of adolescents and adults with cognitive disabilities
Merging critical disability theory with Post-Colonial hybridity theory: a widened lens and implications
Maintenance of ableist society for wheelchair users: roles of medical model of disability and witnessed negotiation for accessibility