Category Archives: Disability & Society: Table of Contents
‘We are listening’ Mother-led research exploring inclusive communication between autistic young people and their families
Challenges facing Hong Kong’s intellectually disabled people in using public services during the COVID-19 pandemic
Memories of resistance. The people with physical disability movement in the late francoism and the Spanish democratic transition
‘I am an Arab Palestinian living in Israel with a disability’: marginalisation and the limits of human rights
An act of agency: people with albinism in Tanzania creating change
Experiences of identifying pre-school children with disabilities in resource limited settings – an account from Malawi, Pakistan and Uganda
Digital coping strategies of young people living with cognitive disabilities: using emotion-focused and problem-focused coping in digital relationships
Balancing attendance and disclosure: identity work of students with invisible disabilities
The creation of cyborgs within a socially constructed understanding of disability and assistive activity technology use