Category Archives: Disability & Society: Table of Contents
Peer work in Australian mental health policy: What ‘problems’ are we solving and to what effect(s)?
‘With arms wide open’. Inclusive pedagogy in higher education in Spain
Striving to abolish a deficit approach to disability: frames applied by frontline workers and activist entrepreneurs in employment
#MeCripple: ableism, microaggressions, and counterspaces on Twitter in Spain
Bridging the gap: special educators’ perceptions of their professional roles in supporting inclusive education in Kazakhstan
Schooling children with disabilities during COVID-19: Perspectives of teachers and caregivers in Ethiopia
Judicial barriers to inclusive education as a human right: An analysis of relevant legal cases in Japan
What facilitates or constrains co-creation in museums? The case of people with visual impairments
Hey look, I’m (not) on TV: autistic people reflect on autism portrayals in entertainment media