The Mental “Weight” of Discrimination: The Relationship between Perceived Interpersonal Weight Discrimination and Suicidality in the United States

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Ahead of Print.
Extant research has investigated the relationship between body weight and suicidality because obesity is highly stigmatized, leading to social marginalization and discrimination, yet has produced mixed results. Scholars have speculated that factors associated with body weight, such as weight discrimination, may better predict suicidality than body weight itself. We consider this possibility among a sample of 12,057 adult participants ages 33 to 43 in Wave V of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health through investigation of the relationships between weight discrimination and two dimensions of suicidality—suicide ideation and attempts. We also examine gender as a moderator of these relationships. We find that weight discrimination is positively associated with both suicide ideation and attempts, and this relationship is similar among men and women. Our findings underscore the need to address issues of weight discrimination in our society to better promote mental well-being.

Unpacking Intersectional Inequities in Flu Vaccination by Sexuality, Gender, and Race-Ethnicity in the United States

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Ahead of Print.
Health care research has long overlooked the intersection of multiple social inequalities. This study examines influenza vaccination inequities at the intersection of sexuality, gender, and race-ethnicity. Using data from the 2013 to 2018 National Health Interview Survey (N = 166,908), the study shows that sexual, gender, and racial-ethnic identities jointly shaped flu vaccination. Specifically, White gay men had the highest vaccination rate (56%), while Black bisexual women had the lowest rate (23%). Across Black, Hispanic, and White individuals, sexual minority women had lower vaccination rates than heterosexual women, but sexual minority men had higher or similar vaccination rates than heterosexual men. Economic enabling, noneconomic enabling, and need-based factors together explained a substantial portion of these gaps. However, they cannot explain all the disadvantages faced by Black lesbian, bisexual, and heterosexual women and Black heterosexual men. Findings offer new evidence of hidden health care inequities and inform health policies from an intersectional perspective.

Disease, Scapegoating, and Social Contexts: Examining Social Contexts of the Support for Racist Naming of COVID-19 on Twitter

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Ahead of Print.
In early 2020, when COVID-19 began to spread in the United States, many Twitter users called it the “Chinese virus,” blaming racial outgroups for the pandemic. I collected tweets containing the “Chinese virus” derivatives posted from March to August 2020 by users within the United States and created a data set with 141,290 tweets published by 50,695 users. I calculated the ratio of users who supported the racist naming of COVID-19 per county and merged Twitter data with the county-level census. Multilevel regression models show that counties with higher COVID-19 mortality or infection rates have more support for the racist naming. Second, the mortality and infection rates effects are stronger in counties with faster minority growth. Moreover, it is mainly in poor counties that minority growth enlarges the effects of infection and mortality rates. These findings relate to the theories on disease-induced xenophobia and the debate between conflict and contact theories.

Structural Sexism and Preventive Health Care Use in the United States

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Ahead of Print.
Preventive health care use can reduce the risk of disease, disability, and death. Thus, it is critical to understand factors that shape preventive care use. A growing body of research identifies structural sexism as a driver of population health, but it remains unknown if structural sexism is linked to preventive care use and, if so, whether the relationship differs for women and men. Gender performance and gendered power and resource allocation perspectives lead to competing hypotheses regarding these questions. This study explores the relationship between structural sexism and preventive care in gender-stratified, multilevel models that combine data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System with state-level data (N = 425,454). We find that in states with more structural sexism, both men and women were less likely to seek preventive care. These findings support the gender performance hypothesis for men and the gendered power and resource allocation hypothesis for men and women.

Analysis of Sex-Specific Gene-by-Cohort and Genetic Correlation-by-Cohort Interaction in Educational and Reproductive Outcomes Using the UK Biobank Data

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Ahead of Print.
Synthesizing prior gene-by-cohort (G×C) interaction studies, we theorize that changes in genetic effects by social conditions depend on the level of resource constraints, the distribution and use of resources, structural constraints, and constraints on individual choice. Motivated by the theory, we explored several sex-specific G×C trends across a set of outcomes using 30 birth cohorts of UK Biobank data (N = 400,000). We find that genetic coefficients on years of schooling and secondary educational attainment substantially decrease, but genetic coefficients on college attainments only moderately increase. On the other hand, genetic coefficients for education ranks are stable. Genetic coefficients on reproductive behavior increase for younger cohorts. Additional genetic-correlation-by-cohort analysis shows shifting genetic correlations between education and reproductive behavior. Our results suggest that the G×C patterns are highly heterogenous and that social and genetic factors jointly shape the diversity of human phenotypes.

Racing the Machine: Data Analytic Technologies and Institutional Inscription of Racialized Health Injustice

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Ahead of Print.
Recent scientific and policy initiatives frame clinical settings as sites for intervening upon inequality. Electronic health records and data analytic technologies offer opportunity to record standard data on education, employment, social support, and race-ethnicity, and numerous audiences expect biomedicine to redress social determinants based on newly available data. However, little is known on how health practitioners and institutional actors view data standardization in relation to inequity. This article examines a public safety-net health system’s expansion of race, ethnicity, and language data collection, drawing on 10 months of ethnographic fieldwork and 32 qualitative interviews with providers, clinic staff, data scientists, and administrators. Findings suggest that electronic data capture institutes a decontextualized racialization within biomedicine as health practitioners and data workers rely on biological, cultural, and social justifications for collecting racial data. This demonstrates a critical paradox of stratified biomedicalization: The same data-centered interventions expected to redress injustice may ultimately reinscribe it.

A Matter of Time: Racialized Time and the Production of Health Disparities

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Ahead of Print.
An expansive and methodologically varied literature designed to investigate racial disparities in health now exists. Empirical evidence points to an overlapping, complex web of social conditions that accelerate the pace of aging and erodes long-term health outcomes among people of color, especially Black Americans. However, a social exposure—or lack thereof—that is rarely mentioned is time use. The current paper was specifically designed to address this shortcoming. First, we draw on extant research to illustrate how and why time is a critical source of racial disparities in health. Second, we employ fundamental causes theory to explain the specific mechanisms through which the differential distribution of time across race is likely to give rise to unequal health outcomes. Finally, we introduce a novel conceptual framework that identifies and distinguishes between four distinct forms of time use likely to play an outsized role in contributing to racial disparities in health.

“I Love You to Death”: Social Networks and the Widowhood Effect on Mortality

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Ahead of Print.
Research on “the widowhood effect” shows that mortality rates are greater among people who have recently lost a spouse. There are several medical and psychological explanations for this (e.g., “broken heart syndrome”) and sociological explanations that focus on spouses’ shared social-environmental exposures. We expand on sociological perspectives by arguing that couples’ social connections to others play a role in this phenomenon. Using panel data on 1,169 older adults from the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project, we find that mortality is associated with how well embedded one’s spouse is in one’s own social network. The widowhood effect is greater among those whose spouses were not well connected to one’s other network members. We speculate that the loss of a less highly embedded spouse signals the loss of unique, valuable, nonredundant social resources from one’s network. We discuss theoretical interpretations, alternative explanations, limitations, and directions for future research.

The Buffering Effect of State Eviction and Foreclosure Policies for Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Ahead of Print.
The COVID-19 pandemic spurred an economic downturn that may have eroded population mental health, especially for renters and homeowners who experienced financial hardship and were at risk of housing loss. Using household-level data from the Census Bureau's Household Pulse Survey (n = 805,223; August 2020–August 2021) and state-level data on eviction/foreclosure bans, we estimated linear probability models with two-way fixed effects to (1) examine links between COVID-related financial hardship and anxiety/depression and (2) assess whether state eviction/foreclosure bans buffered the detrimental mental health impacts of financial hardship. Findings show that individuals who reported difficulty paying for household expenses and keeping up with rent or mortgage had increased anxiety and depression risks but that state eviction/foreclosure bans weakened these associations. Our findings underscore the importance of state policies in protecting mental health and suggest that heterogeneity in state responses may have contributed to mental health inequities during the pandemic.

Black Mothers’ Concern for Their Children as a Measure of Vicarious Racism-Related Vigilance and Allostatic Load

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Ahead of Print.
This study investigates the relationship between allostatic load and a novel form of altruistic racism-related fear, or concern for how racism might harm another, which we term vicarious racism-related vigilance. Using a subsample of Black mothers from the African American Women’s Heart & Health Study (N = 140), which includes detailed health and survey data on a community sample of Black women in the San Francisco Bay Area, this study investigates the relationship between Black mothers’ experiences with racism-related vigilance as it relates to their children and allostatic load—a multisystem metric of underlying health across multiple biological systems. Findings indicate that vicarious racism-related vigilance was positively associated with allostatic load (i.e., worse health). Findings highlight the salience of vicarious racism-related vigilance for the health of Black mothers, underscoring how intersections between race, gender, and parenthood result in susceptibility to unique forms of health-harming stress.