Publication date: August 2023
Source: Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 109
Author(s): Laurence Ferry, Warwick Funnell, David Oldroyd
Publication date: August 2023
Source: Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 109
Author(s): Laurence Ferry, Warwick Funnell, David Oldroyd
Publication date: Available online 8 August 2023
Source: Accounting, Organizations and Society
Author(s): Shana Clor-Proell, Nikki MacKenzie, Kristina Rennekamp, Kathy Rupar
Publication date: Available online 19 August 2023
Source: Accounting, Organizations and Society
Author(s): Melanie I. Millar, Thomas D. Shohfi, Mason C. Snow, Roger M. White
Publication date: Available online 30 August 2023
Source: Accounting, Organizations and Society
Author(s): Karen J. De Meyst, Eddy Cardinaels, Alexandra Van den Abbeele
Publication date: Available online 27 September 2023
Source: Accounting, Organizations and Society
Author(s): Susanne Preuss, Malte M. Max
Publication date: October 2023
Source: Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 110
Publication date: October 2023
Source: Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 110
Author(s): Ingrid Jeacle, Chris Carter
Publication date: October 2023
Source: Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 110
Author(s): Aishwarrya Deore, Matthias D. Mahlendorf, Fan Wu
Publication date: October 2023
Source: Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 110
Author(s): Wei Chen, Hun-Tong Tan, Elaine Ying Wang
Publication date: Available online 3 October 2023
Source: Accounting, Organizations and Society
Author(s): Lisa Koonce, Cassie Mongold, Laura Quaid, Brian J. White