A Matter of Time: Racialized Time and the Production of Health Disparities

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Ahead of Print.
An expansive and methodologically varied literature designed to investigate racial disparities in health now exists. Empirical evidence points to an overlapping, complex web of social conditions that accelerate the pace of aging and erodes long-term health outcomes among people of color, especially Black Americans. However, a social exposure—or lack thereof—that is rarely mentioned is time use. The current paper was specifically designed to address this shortcoming. First, we draw on extant research to illustrate how and why time is a critical source of racial disparities in health. Second, we employ fundamental causes theory to explain the specific mechanisms through which the differential distribution of time across race is likely to give rise to unequal health outcomes. Finally, we introduce a novel conceptual framework that identifies and distinguishes between four distinct forms of time use likely to play an outsized role in contributing to racial disparities in health.

“I Love You to Death”: Social Networks and the Widowhood Effect on Mortality

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Ahead of Print.
Research on “the widowhood effect” shows that mortality rates are greater among people who have recently lost a spouse. There are several medical and psychological explanations for this (e.g., “broken heart syndrome”) and sociological explanations that focus on spouses’ shared social-environmental exposures. We expand on sociological perspectives by arguing that couples’ social connections to others play a role in this phenomenon. Using panel data on 1,169 older adults from the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project, we find that mortality is associated with how well embedded one’s spouse is in one’s own social network. The widowhood effect is greater among those whose spouses were not well connected to one’s other network members. We speculate that the loss of a less highly embedded spouse signals the loss of unique, valuable, nonredundant social resources from one’s network. We discuss theoretical interpretations, alternative explanations, limitations, and directions for future research.