Effects of local density dependence and temperature on the spatial synchrony of marine fish populations

Effects of local density dependence and temperature on the spatial synchrony of marine fish populations

Disentangling the processes affecting spatial synchrony is challenging but essential to predict the effects of changing environmental conditions on populations. By studying spatial synchrony in density dynamics with and without accounting for the effects of temperature and density dependence, the authors show how temperature synchronizes while density dependence desynchronizes population dynamics.


Disentangling empirically the many processes affecting spatial population synchrony is a challenge in population ecology. Two processes that could have major effects on the spatial synchrony of wild population dynamics are density dependence and variation in environmental conditions like temperature. Understanding these effects is crucial for predicting the effects of climate change on local and regional population dynamics. We quantified the direct contribution of local temperature and density dependence to spatial synchrony in the population dynamics of nine fish species inhabiting the Barents Sea. First, we estimated the degree to which the annual spatial autocorrelations in density are influenced by temperature. Second, we estimated and mapped the local effects of temperature and strength of density dependence on annual changes in density. Finally, we measured the relative effects of temperature and density dependence on the spatial synchrony in changes in density. Temperature influenced the annual spatial autocorrelation in density more in species with greater affinities to the benthos and to warmer waters. Temperature correlated positively with changes in density in the eastern Barents Sea for most species. Temperature had a weak synchronizing effect on density dynamics, while increasing strength of density dependence consistently desynchronised the dynamics. Quantifying the relative effects of different processes affecting population synchrony is important to better predict how population dynamics might change when environmental conditions change. Here, high degrees of spatial synchrony in the population dynamics remained unexplained by local temperature and density dependence, confirming the presence of additional synchronizing drivers, such as trophic interactions or harvesting.

Assessing the sensitivity and resistance of communities in a changing environment

Assessing the sensitivity and resistance of communities in a changing environment

This paper provide concepts for quantitative and rapid assessment of resilience of communities in a changing environment.


We propose that the ecological resilience of communities to permanent changes of the environment can be based on how variation in the overall abundance of individuals affects the number of species. Community sensitivity is defined as the ratio between the rate of change in the log expected number of species and the rate of change in the log expected number of individuals in the community. High community sensitivity means that small changes in the total abundance strongly impact the number of species. Community resistance is the proportional reduction in expected number of individuals that the community can sustain before expecting to lose one species. A small value of community resistance means that the community can only endure a small reduction in abundance before it is expected to lose one species. Based on long-term studies of four bird communities in European deciduous forests at different latitudes large differences were found in the resilience to environmental perturbations. Estimating the variance components of the species abundance distribution revealed how different processes contributed to the community sensitivity and resistance. Species heterogeneity in the population dynamics was the largest component, but its proportion varied among communities. Species-specific response to environmental fluctuations was the second major component of the variation in abundance. Estimates of community sensitivity and resistance based on data only from a single year were in general larger than those based on estimates from longer time series. Thus, our approach can provide rapid and conservative assessment of the resilience of communities to environmental changes also including only short-term data. This study shows that a general ecological mechanism, caused by increased strength of density dependence due to reduction in resource availability, can provide an intuitive measure of community resilience to environmental variation. Our analyses also illustrate the importance of including specific assumptions about how different processes affect community dynamics. For example, if stochastic fluctuations in the environment affect all species in a similar way, the sensitivity and resistance of the community to environmental changes will be different from communities in which all species show independent responses.

Reproductive performance of Peregrine falcons relative to the use of organochlorine pesticides, 1946–2021

Reproductive performance of Peregrine falcons relative to the use of organochlorine pesticides, 1946–2021

A chapter in the story of a Scottish Peregrine population can now be told in its entirety. Using a 75-year dataset, we show that the reproductive output of Peregrines in southern Scotland was greatly curtailed by organochlorine pesticides. After these chemicals were banned from agricultural use in the 1980s, Peregrine reproductive performance improved substantially and the population recovered. Photo credit: Peter Beasley.


Populations of some fish- and meat-eating birds suffered dramatic declines globally following the introduction of organochlorine pesticides during the late 1940s and 1950s. It has been hypothesised that these population declines during the 1950s–1970s were largely driven by a combination of reproductive failure due to eggshell-thinning, egg breakage and embryonic death attributable to DDT and its metabolites, and to enhanced mortality attributable to the more toxic cyclodiene compounds such as aldrin and dieldrin. Using 75 years (1946–2021) of Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) monitoring data (315 unique nest-sites monitored for 6110 nest-years), we studied the breeding performance of a resident Peregrine population in southern Scotland relative to the spatiotemporal pattern of organochlorine pesticide use. We show that (i) Peregrine breeding success and measures of breeding performance increased substantially following the reduction in, and subsequently a complete ban on, the use of organochlorine pesticides; (ii) improvements in Peregrine breeding performance were more dramatic in southeastern Scotland where agriculture was the predominant land use than in southwestern Scotland where there was less arable and more forested land; (iii) Peregrines nesting closer to the coast generally had higher fledging success (that is, a higher proportion of clutches that produced at least one fledgeling) than those nesting inland farther away from the coast; (iv) low temperatures and excessive rain in May negatively affected Peregrine fledging success; and (v) Peregrine abundance increased in parallel with improvements in reproductive performance following the reduction and then complete ban on the use of organochlorine pesticides in the UK. However, recovery was gradual and occurred over four decades, and rate of recovery varied among measures of reproductive performance (egg, nestling and fledgeling production). Our results suggest that the temporal pattern of organochlorine pesticide use strongly influenced Peregrine reproductive parameters but that the pattern of influence differed regionally. Overall results are consistent with the hypothesis that reproductive failure caused by organochlorine pesticides was an important driver of the decline in the south Scottish Peregrine population, and that improvements in all measures of breeding performance following a reduction and eventual ban on organochlorine use facilitated the observed increase in this population.


Nachdem in den späten 1940er und 1950er Jahren chlororganische Pestizide eingeführt wurden, erlitten die Populationen einiger fisch- und fleischfressender Vögel weltweit einen dramatischen Rückgang. Es wurde die Hypothese formuliert, dass diese- Populationsrückgänge von den 1950er bis in die 1970er Jahre größtenteils auf eine Kombination aus einer reduzierten Fortpflanzungsleistung wegen des Einsatzes des Insektizids DDT mit seinen Metaboliten und den damit verbundenen negativen Auswirkungen (dünnschalige, zerbrechende Eier und Tod der Embryonen) sowie einer erhöhten Mortalität aufgrund der giftigeren Cyclodiene wie Aldrin und Dieldrin zurückzuführen waren. Anhand von Daten aus 75 Beobachtungsjahren (1946–2021) am Wanderfalken (Falco peregrinus) (315 Niststandorte wurden über 6.110 Nestjahre überwacht), untersuchten wir die Fortpflanzungsleistung einer in Südschottland beheimateten Wanderfalkenpopulation und wie sie sich in Relation mit einem zeitglichen Einsatz von chlororganischen Pestiziden entwickelt hat. Wir zeigen, dass: (i) der Bruterfolg des Wanderfalken nach der Reduzierung und dem anschließenden vollständigen Verbot von chlororganischen Pestiziden erheblich zunahm; (ii) der Bruterfolg des Wanderfalken im Südosten Schottlands stärker anstieg, wo Landwirtschaft die vorherrschende Landnutzung ist, als in Südwesten Schottlands, wo es weniger Agrargebiete und mehr Waldland gab; (iii) Wanderfalken die näher an der Küste nisteten eine höhere Produktivität (Anzahl flügger Jungvögel pro Brutversuch) aufwiesen als solche, die weiter von der Küste entfernt im Landesinneren nisteten; (iv) sich niedrige Temperaturen und überdurchschnittlich hohe Regenfälle im Mai negativ auf den Fortpflanzungserfolg auswirkten, und (v) die Anzahl der Wanderfalken in Südschottland, parallel zu einer Verbesserungen der Fortpflanzungsleistung nach Reduktion bzw. vollständigem Verbot des Einsatzes von chlororganischen Pestiziden im Vereinigten Königreich, zunahm. Diese Erholung verlief jedoch schrittweise und erfolgte über einen Zeitraum von vier Jahrzehnten, wobei die Erholungsrate je nach Maß für die Reproduktionsleistung (i.e. Anzahl der Eier, Bruterfolg, Produktivität) unterschiedlich ausfiel. Unsere Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass der Einsatz von chlororganischen Pestiziden die Reproduktionsparameter der Wanderfalken im Untersuchungsraum stark beeinflusste, die Stärke des Einflusses jedoch regional unterschiedlich war. Die Gesamtergebnisse stimmen mit der Hypothese überein, dass eine durch chlororganische Pestizide verursachte reduzierte Reproduktionsleistung ein wichtiger Faktor für den Rückgang der südschottischen Wanderfalkenpopulation war. Die Verbesserung aller brutbiologischen Kennziffern und der starke Anstieg der Wanderfalken-Population in Südschottland ging mit einer Reduzierung bzw. mit dem gänzlichen Verbot des Einsatzes von chlororganischen Pestiziden einher.

Omnivore diet composition alters parasite resistance and host condition

Omnivore diet composition alters parasite resistance and host condition

Broader diet breadths enable omnivores to mount dynamic responses feeding to parasite attack, but little is known about how plant/prey mixing might influence responses to infection. These results suggest that a diverse nutritional landscape may be key in enabling omnivores' resistance and resilience to immune stressors in their environments.


Diet composition modulates animals' ability to resist parasites and recover from stress. Broader diet breadths enable omnivores to mount dynamic responses to parasite attack, but little is known about how plant/prey mixing might influence responses to infection. Using omnivorous deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) as a model, we examine how varying plant and prey concentrations in blended diets influence resistance and body condition following infestation by Rocky Mountain wood ticks (Dermacentor andersoni). In two repeated experiments, deer mice fed for 4 weeks on controlled diets that varied in proportions of seeds and insects were then challenged with 50 tick larvae in two sequential infestations. The numbers of ticks successfully feeding on mice declined by 25% and 66% after the first infestation (in the first and second experiments, respectively), reflecting a pattern of acquired resistance, and resistance was strongest when plant/prey ratios were more equally balanced in mouse diets, relative to seed-dominated diets. Diet also dramatically impacted the capacity of mice to cope with tick infestations. Mice fed insect-rich diets lost 15% of their body weight when parasitized by ticks, while mice fed seed-rich diets lost no weight at all. While mounting/maintaining an immune response may be energetically demanding, mice may compensate for parasitism with fat and carbohydrate-rich diets. Altogether, these results suggest that a diverse nutritional landscape may be key in enabling omnivores' resistance and resilience to infection and immune stressors in their environments.

Niche dynamics along two centuries of multiple crayfish invasions

Niche dynamics along two centuries of multiple crayfish invasions

A historical ecology approach unveiled how the realised niche of a European crayfish species changed since 1850. In response to the introduction of two North American crayfish species, along with a lethal pathogen, its niche shrank and shifted towards more abrupt, headwater environments where the overseas invaders have not arrived.


The realised ecological niches of species may change in response to dynamic abiotic and biotic environments, particularly under fast global change. To fully understand the dynamics of niche features and their drivers, it is essential to have a long-term view of species distributions and the factors that may have influenced them. Here, we analysed the distribution and niche dynamics of the Italian crayfish (Austropotamobius fulcisianus) in the Iberian Peninsula over the past 200 years. The Italian crayfish was introduced to Spain in the 16th century, and spread due to multiple stocking events until the 1970s, when two North American crayfish (red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii, and signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus) were introduced. Both North American species are carriers of a pathogen (Aphanomyces astaci, the causal agent of crayfish plague) lethal to the Italian crayfish. We hypothesised that the realised niche of the Italian crayfish, both in breadth and in position, has changed over time following changes in its range. The distribution of the Italian crayfish expanded from the mid-19th century until the mid-20th century, in association with an enlargement of its realised niched, mostly towards less abrupt and more coastal-influenced areas. After the introduction of the North American crayfishes, the collapse of the Italian crayfish involved a niche shift towards rough terrains in mountain areas. North American crayfish have eventually occupied most of the Italian crayfish's niche space, with the few no-coexistence areas being relegated to the most abrupt and high-elevation territories. Our historical approach allowed us to document and understand the highly dynamic distribution and niche of the Italian crayfish in the presence of invader counterparts, and to explore the environmental conditions under which their coexistence is minimised.

Plant mycorrhizal associations mediate the zoogeochemical effects of calving subsidies by a forest ungulate

Plant mycorrhizal associations mediate the zoogeochemical effects of calving subsidies by a forest ungulate

The authors demonstrate that white-tailed deer calving is a substantial zoogeochemical input in northeastern forests, which can ultimately contribute to fine-scale ecosystem heterogeneity. The impact of the subsidy, however, was strongly dependent on and modulated by the plant–fungal community, demonstrating the need for animal subsidies to be contextualized in plant–fungal frameworks.


Animals interact with and impact ecosystem biogeochemical cycling—processes known as zoogeochemistry. While the deposition of various animal materials (e.g. carcasses and faeces) has been shown to create nutrient hotspots and alter nutrient cycling and storage, the inputs from parturition (i.e. calving) have yet to be explored. We examine the effects of ungulate parturition, which often occurs synchronously during spring green-up and therefore aligns with increased plant nitrogen demand in temperate biomes. Impacts of zoogeochemical inputs are likely context-dependent, where differences in material quality, quantity and the system of deposition modulate their impacts. Plant mycorrhizal associations, especially, create different nutrient-availability contexts, which can modify the effects of nutrient inputs. We, therefore, hypothesize that mycorrhizal associations modulate the consequences of parturition on soil nutrient dynamics and nitrogen pools. We established experimental plots that explore the potential of two kinds of zoogeochemical inputs deposited at ungulate parturition (placenta and natal fluid) in forest microsites dominated by either ericoid mycorrhizal (ErM) or ectomycorrhizal (EcM) plants. We assess how these inputs affect rates of nutrient cycling and nitrogen content in various ecosystem pools, using isotope tracers to track the fate of nitrogen inputs into plant and soil pools. Parturition treatments accelerate nutrient cycling processes and increase nitrogen contents in the plant leaf, stem and fine root pools. The ecosystem context strongly modulates these effects. Microsites dominated by ErM plants mute parturition treatment impacts on most nutrient cycling processes and plant pools. Both plant–fungal associations are, however, equally efficient at retaining nitrogen, although retention of nitrogen in the parturition treatment plots was more than two times lower than in control plots. Our results highlight the potential importance of previously unexamined nitrogen inputs from animal inputs, such as those from parturition, in contributing to fine-scale heterogeneity in nutrient cycling and availability. Animal inputs should therefore be considered, along with their interactions with plant mycorrhizal associations, in terms of how zoogeochemical dynamics collectively affect nutrient heterogeneity in ecosystems.

Squamate metabolic rates decrease in winter beyond the effect of temperature

Squamate metabolic rates decrease in winter beyond the effect of temperature

Dubiner et al. compared the winter and summer metabolic rates of an unprecedented variety of reptile species, discovering not only a near-universal reduction in metabolic rates during winter, but also changes in many associated factors such as allometric scaling and temperature sensitivity.


The reptilian form of hibernation (brumation) is much less studied than its mammalian and insect equivalents. Hibernation and brumation share some basic features but may differ in others. Evidence for hypometabolism in brumating reptiles beyond the effect of temperature is sporadic and often ignored. We calculated the standard metabolic rates (SMR, oxygen uptake during inactivity), in winter and/or summer, of 156 individuals representing 59 species of Israeli squamates across all 17 local families. For 32 species, we measured the same individuals during both seasons. We measured gas exchange continuously in a dark metabolic chamber, under the average January high and low temperatures (20°C and 12°C), during daytime and nighttime. We examined how SMR changes with season, biome, body size, temperature and time of day, using phylogenetic mixed models. Metabolic rates increased at sunrise in the diurnal species, despite no light or other external cues, while in nocturnal species the metabolic rates did not increase. Cathemeral species shifted from a diurnal-like diel pattern in winter to a nocturnal-like pattern in summer. Regardless of season, Mediterranean species SMRs were 30% higher than similar-sized desert species. Summer SMR of all species together scaled with body size with an exponent of 0.84 but dropped to 0.71 during brumation. Individuals measured during both seasons decreased their SMR between summer and winter by a 47%, on average, at 20°C and by 70% at 12°C. Q10 was 1.75 times higher in winter than in summer, possibly indicating an active suppression of metabolic processes under cold temperatures. Our results challenge the commonly held perception that squamate physiology is mainly shaped by temperature, with little role for intrinsic metabolic regulation. The patterns we describe indicate that seasonal, diel and geographic factors can trigger remarkable shifts in metabolism across squamate species.

Host exposure to a common pollutant can influence diversity–disease relationships

Host exposure to a common pollutant can influence diversity–disease relationships

This study is the first to explore the influence of a ubiquitous pollutant of freshwater (NaCl) on diversity–disease dynamics via the influence of NaCl on host susceptibility to parasites.


Hosts and parasites are embedded in communities where species richness and composition can influence disease outcomes (diversity–disease relationships). The direction and magnitude of diversity–disease relationships are influenced by variation in competence (ability to support and transmit infections) of hosts in a community. However, host susceptibility to parasites, which mediates host competence, is not static and is influenced by environmental factors, including pollutants. Despite the role that pollutants can play in augmenting host susceptibility, how pollutants influence diversity–disease dynamics is not well understood. Using an amphibian–trematode model, we tested how NaCl influences diversity–disease dynamics. We predicted that NaCl exposure can alter relative susceptibility of host species to trematodes, leading to cascading effects on the diversity–disease relationship. To test these predictions, we exposed hosts to benign or NaCl environments and generated communities that differed in number and composition of host species. We exposed these communities to trematodes and measured disease outcomes at the community (total infections across all hosts within a community) and species levels (average number of infections per host species within a community). Host species differed in their relative susceptibility to trematodes when exposed to NaCl. Consequently, at the community level (total infections across all hosts within a community), we only detected diversity–disease relationships (dilution effects) in communities where hosts were exposed to NaCl. At the species level, disease outcomes (average number of infections/species) and whether multi-species communities supported lower number of infections relative to single-species communities depended on community composition. Notably, however, as with overall community infection, diversity–disease relationships only emerged when hosts were exposed to NaCl. Synthesis. Pollutants are ubiquitous in nature and can influence disease dynamics across a number of host–parasite systems. Here, we show that NaCl exposure can alter the relative susceptibility of host species to parasites, influencing the relationship between biodiversity and disease at both community and species levels. Collectively, our study contributes to the limited knowledge surrounding environmental mediators of host susceptibility and their influence on diversity–disease dynamics.

Species‐level drivers of avian centrality within seed‐dispersal networks across different levels of organisation

Species-level drivers of avian centrality within seed-dispersal networks across different levels of organisation

In bird–plant seed-dispersal networks, range size drives species centrality at the global meta-network level, whereas body size is more important at the local network level. Bird ecosystem functions at the global scale are determined by species' capacity to occupy various habitats and interact with a large set of plant species. Species traits: E, evolutionary; G, geographical; M, morphological.


Bird–plant seed-dispersal networks are structural components of ecosystems. The role of bird species in seed-dispersal networks (from less [peripheral] to more connected [central]), determines the interaction patterns and their ecosystem services. These roles may be driven by morphological and functional traits as well as evolutionary, geographical and environmental properties acting at different spatial extents. It is still unknown if such drivers are equally important in determining species centrality at different network levels, from individual local networks to the global meta-network representing interactions across all local networks. Using 308 networks covering five continents and 11 biogeographical regions, we show that at the global meta-network level species' range size was the most important driver of species centrality, with more central species having larger range sizes, which would facilitate the interaction with a higher number of plants and thus the maintenance of seed-dispersal interactions. At the local network level, body mass was the only driver with a significant effect, implying that local factors related to resource availability are more important at this level of network organisation than those related to broad spatial factors such as range sizes. This could also be related to the mismatch between species-level traits, which do not consider intraspecific variation, and the local networks that can depend on such variation. Taken together, our results show that the drivers determining species centrality are relative to the levels of network organisation, suggesting that prediction of species functional roles in seed-dispersal interactions requires combined local and global approaches.


Las redes de dispersión de semillas entre aves y plantas son componentes estructurales de los ecosistemas. El rol de las especies de aves en estas redes de dispersión de semillas (de menos [periféricas] a más conectadas [centrales]), determina los patrones de interacción y sus servicios ecosistémicos. Estos roles pueden ser impulsados por rasgos morfológicos y funcionales, propiedades evolutivas, geográficas y ambientales que actúan en diferentes extensiones espaciales. Todavía se desconoce si dichos impulsores son igualmente importantes para determinar la centralidad de las especies en diferentes niveles de red, desde redes locales individuales hasta la meta-red global que representa todas las interacciones en las redes locales. Usando 308 redes abarcando cinco continentes y once regiones biogeográficas, mostramos que a nivel de meta-red global, el tamaño de la distribución geográfica de las especies fue el factor más determinante de la centralidad de las especies, con especies más centrales siendo aquellas que tienen distribuciones más grandes, lo que les facilitaría la interacción con un mayor número de plantas y por lo tanto el mantenimiento de las interacciones de dispersión de semillas. A nivel de las redes locales, la masa corporal fue el único impulsor con un efecto significativo, lo que implica que los factores locales relacionados con la disponibilidad de recursos son más importantes en este nivel de organización que los relacionados con factores espaciales amplios, como el tamaño de las distribuciones. Esto también podría estar relacionado con el desajuste entre los rasgos a nivel de especie, que no consideran la variación intraespecífica, y las redes locales que pueden depender de dicha variación. En conjunto, nuestros resultados muestran que los impulsores que determinan la centralidad de las especies en las redes de interacción son relativos a los niveles de organización de la red, lo que sugiere que la predicción de los roles funcionales de las especies en las interacciones de dispersión de semillas requiere enfoques locales y globales combinados.

Interactions between fitness components across the life cycle constrain competitor coexistence

Interactions between fitness components across the life cycle constrain competitor coexistence

Multiple mechanisms can act simultaneously across the life cycle to generate stabilizing effects among a set of ecologically similar species. Yet, the relative contribution of different mechanisms towards species coexistence remains largely unknown. The authors quantify how different mechanisms, combine across the life cycle to shape the potential for local species coexistence.


Numerous mechanisms can promote competitor coexistence. Yet, these mechanisms are often considered in isolation from one another. Consequently, whether multiple mechanisms shaping coexistence combine to promote or constrain species coexistence remains an open question. Here, we aim to understand how multiple mechanisms interact within and between life stages to determine frequency-dependent population growth, which has a key role stabilizing local competitor coexistence. We conducted field experiments in three lakes manipulating relative frequencies of two Enallagma damselfly species to evaluate demographic contributions of three mechanisms affecting different fitness components across the life cycle: the effect of resource competition on individual growth rate, predation shaping mortality rates, and mating harassment determining fecundity. We then used a demographic model that incorporates carry-over effects between life stages to decompose the relative effect of each fitness component generating frequency-dependent population growth. This decomposition showed that fitness components combined to increase population growth rates for one species when rare, but they combined to decrease population growth rates for the other species when rare, leading to predicted exclusion in most lakes. Because interactions between fitness components within and between life stages vary among populations, these results show that local coexistence is population specific. Moreover, we show that multiple mechanisms do not necessarily increase competitor coexistence, as they can also combine to yield exclusion. Identifying coexistence mechanisms in other systems will require greater focus on determining contributions of different fitness components across the life cycle shaping competitor coexistence in a way that captures the potential for population-level variation.