Pyroptosis‐related gene signature elicits immune response in rosacea

Pyroptosis-related gene signature elicits immune response in rosacea

Our results show a high activated pyroptosis signalling in rosacea and revealed pyroptosis mediated immune cell infiltrations contributing to the aggravations of rosacea.


Rosacea is a complex chronic inflammatory skin disorder with high morbidity. Pyroptosis is known as a regulated inflammatory cell death. While its association with immune response to various inflammatory disorders is well established, little is known about its functional relevance of rosacea. So, we aimed to explore and enrich the pathogenesis involved in pyroptosis-related rosacea aggravations. In this study, we evaluated the pyroptosis-related patterns of rosacea by consensus clustering analysis of 45 ferroptosis-related genes (FRGs), with multiple immune cell infiltration analysis to identify the pyroptosis-mediated immune response in rosacea using GSE65914 dataset. The co–co-work between PRGs and WGCNA-revealed hub genes has established using PPI network. FRG signature was highlighted in rosacea using multi-transcriptomic and experiment analysis. Based on this, three distinct pyroptosis-related rosacea patterns (non/moderate/high) were identified, and the notably enriched pathways have revealed through GO, KEGG and GSEA analysis, especially immune-related pathways. Also, the XCell/MCPcount/ssGSEA/Cibersort underlined the immune-related signalling (NK cells, Monocyte, Neutrophil, Th2 cells, Macrophage), whose hub genes were identified through WGCNA (NOD2, MYD88, STAT1, HSPA4, CXCL8). Finally, we established a pyroptosis-immune co-work during the rosacea aggravations. FRGs may affect the progression of rosacea by regulating the immune cell infiltrations. In all, pyroptosis with its mediated immune cell infiltration is a critical factor during the development of rosacea.

Precalving behavior in dairy cattle with different calving times


Predicting the calving time in dairy cattle can help in avoiding calving accidents and reducing burdens on animal caretakers. In this study, we analyzed the behavior of pregnant dairy cattle for 7 days prior to calving, to assess the feasibility of predicting the calving time. Eleven Holstein cows were divided into two groups based on their calving times, that is, in the morning (the Morning Parturition Group) or the evening (the Evening Parturition Group). Their behavior was recorded on video. An analysis was conducted of the daily occurrences of each type of behavior and the number of switches of behavior during the day and at night. A statistical analysis was conducted, using a two-way factorial analysis. The behavioral sequence was analyzed using an adjacency matrix. Hierarchical structure charts were created, using Interpretive Structural Modeling. The results suggest that feeding and exploratory behaviors are associated with the calving time period and thus can be useful when predicting that period. The hierarchical structure charts suggest that the Morning Parturition Group had no definite behavioral sequence pattern, unlike the Evening Parturition Group. The detection of an unstable behavioral sequence pattern might predict the calving time period.

Egg‐laying capacity of parent flock geese at different stocking densities


This article presents the results of studies aimed at establishing the optimal stocking density of purebred and hybrid geese of the parent flock, taking into account the indicators of their live weight and egg production. When conducting research, the stocking density of geese was established depending on the breed and shape. Different stocking densities of geese in groups were achieved due to their different numbers in groups: Kuban 1.2; 1.5; 1.8 birds/m2, large gray 0.9; 1.2; 1.5 birds/m2, hybrid bird 1.0; 1.3; 1.5 birds/m2. It was revealed on the basis of the analysis of the productive qualities of adult geese that the optimal planting density of the Kuban geese is 1.8 heads/m2, large sulfur = 0.9, hybrid = 1.3. The safety of geese at a given stocking density ensured an increase in the safety of geese of the Kuban breed by 95.3%, large gray = 94.0%, hybrid = 97.0%. The live weight of Kuban geese increased by 0.9%, large gray geese = 0.10, hybrids = 1.2, egg production by 0.6%, 2.2% and 0.5%, respectively.

Support for the size‐mediated sensitivity hypothesis within a diverse carnivore community

Support for the size-mediated sensitivity hypothesis within a diverse carnivore community

This study provides novel empirical support to the newly introduced size-mediated sensitivity hypothesis, whereby smaller carnivores have heightened sensitivity to changing patterns of human land use and habitat management in diverse carnivore communities.


Carnivore community dynamics are governed by a complex set of often interacting biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors that are increasingly volatile as a result of global change. Understanding how these changing conditions influence carnivore communities is urgent because of the important role carnivores play within ecosystems at multiple trophic levels, and the conservation threats that many carnivores face globally. While a great deal of research attention has historically been focused on large carnivores within ecosystems, the size-mediated sensitivity hypothesis has recently been proposed where the smallest carnivore in a system is likely to be the most responsive to the diverse suite of ongoing environmental and anthropogenic changes within ecological communities. We deployed camera traps at 197 sites over 4 years to monitor a diverse suite of mammalian carnivores within the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina and then used a two-step occupancy modelling–structural equation modelling framework to investigate the relative support for four primary hypothesized drivers (interspecific competition/predation, habitat complexity, food availability and anthropogenic disturbance) on carnivore occurrence. We found that each of the 10 carnivores in our system responded differently to conditions associated with each of these four hypothesized drivers, but that small and medium-sized carnivores had a greater number of significant (p < 0.05) pathways by which these conditions were influencing occupancy relative to large carnivores. In particular, the smallest carnivore observed in our study was the only species for which we found support for each of the four hypothesized drivers influencing occupancy. Collectively, our study supports the size-mediated sensitivity hypothesis and suggests that small carnivores are ideal sentinel species for global change. We echo recent calls for adopting a middle-out approach to investigations into carnivore community dynamics by refocusing sustained monitoring and research efforts on smaller carnivores within systems.

Prediction of methane emissions from fattening cattle using the methane‐to‐carbon dioxide ratio


This study aimed to develop a prediction equation for methane (CH4) emissions from fattening cattle based on the CH4/carbon dioxide (CO2) ratio and validate the predictive ability of the developed equation. The prediction equation was developed using the CH4/CO2 ratio combined with oxygen consumption and respiratory quotient estimations that were theoretically calculated from the relation between gas emissions and energy metabolism. To validate the prediction equation, gas measurements in the headboxes were conducted using eight Japanese Black steers. The predictive ability of the developed equation was compared with that of two previously reported equations. As a result, the developed and reported equations had significant (P < 0.01) linear relationships between the observed and predicted CH4 emissions. Notably, only the developed equation had a significant (P < 0.01) linear relationship between the observed and predicted CH4 emissions when expressed per unit of dry matter intake. The results suggest that the developed prediction equation has a higher predictive ability than previously reported equations, particularly in evaluating the efficiency of CH4 emissions. Although further validation is required, the equation developed in this study can be a valuable tool for on-farm estimations of individual CH4 emissions from fattening cattle.

Menthol application on healthy and inflamed goat udders changes antimicrobial components in milk


Mammary glands with mastitis are usually treated with antibiotics in combination with anti-inflammatory drug application on the udder skin. Menthol is an anti-inflammatory drug. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of surface application of menthol on goat udders on the production of antimicrobial components in milk. Goats (5 Shiba and 11 Tokara goats) were subjected to menthol application to the udder under both healthy and inflammatory conditions. An intramammary infusion of lipopolysaccharides was carried out to induce inflammatory conditions in the udder. Milk samples were collected to determine somatic cell count (SCC) and sodium ion (Na+), antimicrobial component and cytokine concentrations. In healthy udders, menthol application increased the concentration of antimicrobial components (S100A7 and S100A8), but not in the control. In the inflamed udder, antimicrobial component (lactoferrin, S100A7, and S100A8) and inflammatory cytokine (IL-1β) concentrations were higher in the menthol group than in the control group. These results suggest that menthol application on udders augments the antimicrobial component concentration in the mammary gland under both healthy and inflammatory conditions.

Genome‐wide detection of changes in allelic frequency in Landrace pigs selected for resistance to mycoplasma pneumonia of swine


Closed-pig line breeding could change the genetic structure at a genome-wide scale because of the selection in a pig breeding population. We investigated the changes in population structure among generations at a genome-wide scale and the selected loci across the genome by comparing the observed and expected allele frequency changes in mycoplasma pneumonia of swine (MPS)-selected pigs. Eight hundred and seventy-four Landrace pigs, selected for MPS resistance without reducing average daily gain over five generations, had 37,299 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and were used for genomic analyses. Regarding population structure, individuals in the first generation were the most widely distributed and then converged into a specific group, as they were selected over five generations. For allele frequency changes, 96 and 14 SNPs had higher allele frequency changes than the 99.9% and 99.99% thresholds of the expected changes, respectively. These SNPs were evenly spread across the genome, and a few of these selected regions overlapped with previously detected quantitative trait loci for MPS and immune-related traits. Our results indicated that the considerable changes in allele frequency were identified in many regions across the genome by closed-pig line breeding based on estimated breeding value.

Use of a commercial indoor positioning system for monitoring resting time and moving distance in group‐housed dairy calves


To assess the usefulness of a commercially available indoor positioning system for monitoring the resting time and moving distance in group-housed dairy calves as indicators of their health status, five dairy calves were housed in a free barn, and their coordinate was recorded. The mean displacement (cm/s) within a minute showed a double-mixture distribution. Actual observations revealed that the minutes in the first distribution with shorter displacement were mostly the time that the calves spent lying. To predict the daily lying time and moving distance, a mixed distribution was divided at a threshold value. The mean sensitivity (the proportion of total minutes predicted correctly as lying, in total minutes observed lying) was more than 92%. The daily fluctuation in lying time correlated well with the actual lying time (r = 0.758, p < 0.01). The range of fluctuations was 740–1308 min/day and 724–1269 m/day for daily lying time and moving distance, respectively. The rectal temperature was correlated with daily lying time (r = 0.441, p < 0.001) and distance moved (r = 0.483, p < 0.001). The indoor positioning system can be a useful tool for early illness detection in calves before the onset of symptoms in group-housing systems.

Rumen microbial composition associated with the non‐glucogenic to glucogenic short‐chain fatty acids ratio in Holstein cows


This study aimed to determine the physiological features and rumen microbial composition associated with the non-glucogenic-to-glucogenic short-chain fatty acids ratio (NGR). Holstein cows were housed in a free-stall barn with an automatic milking system and fed a partially mixed ration. Physiological and microbial analyses were performed on 66 datasets collected from 66 cows (50–250 days in milk). NGR was positively correlated with ruminal pH, relative abundances of protozoa and fungi, methane conversion factor, methane intensity, plasma lipids, parity, and milk fat, and negatively correlated with total short-chain fatty acids. To highlight the differences in bacterial and archaeal compositions between NGRs, low-NGR cows (N = 22) were compared with medium-NGR (N = 22) and high-NGR (N = 22) cows. The low-NGR group was characterized by a lower abundance of Methanobrevibacter and a higher abundance of operational taxonomic units belonging to the lactate-producing, such as Intestinibaculum, Kandleria, and Dialister, and the succinate-producing Prevotella. Our findings indicate that NGR affects the methane conversion factor, methane intensity, and blood and milk compositions. Low NGR is associated with a higher abundance of lactate- and succinate-producing bacteria and lower abundances of protozoa, fungi, and Methanobrevibacter.

Comparison of carcass traits and nutritional profile in two different broiler‐type duck lines


Cherry Valley ducks (CVDs) and White Kaiya ducks (WKDs) are judged to be fast- and slow-growing lines, respectively. To investigate the carcass traits and nutritional profile at their marketable ages, 12 birds (38 days for CVDs, n = 6; 56 days for WKDs, n = 6) were randomly selected and slaughtered. Indicators such as breast muscle weight, shear force, and proximate composition were comprehensively detected. Although the carcass and breast muscle weight in WKDs were significantly lower, remarkably higher intramuscular fat and tenderness and less moisture content were observed in WKDs. Besides, WKDs contained higher contents of Cu, Zn, and Ca, whereas CVDs contained higher leucine (Leu) and histidine (His) compositions (P < 0.01). Moreover, higher monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) along with lower saturated fatty acids (SFAs) were detected in WKDs (P < 0.01). Taken together, despite light carcass and breast muscle weight, WKDs had advantages in nutritional compositions except for amino acid constituents, including intramuscular fat, MUFAs, and PUFAs, as well as Cu, Zn, and Ca. These data would not only provide genetic resources for breeding new duck lines but also offer a useful reference for making decisions on high-nutrient meat consumption.