L‐histidine inhibits the heat‐induced gelation of actomyosin in a low ionic strength solution


The heat-induced gelation of actomyosin plays a key role in meat processing. Our previous study showed that L-histidine could affect the characteristics of a heat-induced gel of myosin on a low ionic strength. To apply the specific effect of L-histidine to meat processing, the heat-induced gel properties of actomyosin in the presence of L-histidine were investigated. Actomyosin in a low ionic strength solution containing L-histidine did not form a gel upon heating. The dynamic rheological properties of actomyosin in low ionic strength solutions were distinct depending on the presence or absence of L-histidine. Electron microscopy showed that, heated at 50°C, actomyosin in a low ionic strength solution containing L-histidine remained a filamentous structure. The surface hydrophobicity of actomyosin was stable up to 50°C in a low ionic strength solution containing L-histidine. In conclusion, L-histidine might suppress the aggregation of actomyosin and inhibit heat-induced gelation in a low ionic strength solution.

Caveolae‐associated protein 3 promotes adipogenic differentiation of porcine preadipocytes by promoting extracellular signal‐regulated kinase phosphorylation


Fat deposition is one of the key factors affecting the economic development of pig husbandry. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression characteristics of caveolae-associated protein 3 (CAVIN3) and to elucidate its effect and mechanism on adipogenic differentiation of porcine preadipocytes. Cell transfection, quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), western blot, and oil red O staining were used to detect the effect of CAVIN3 on the differentiation of porcine preadipocytes. The results showed that CAVIN3 was expressed in various tissues, with higher expression in adipose tissue, differentially expressed during cell adipogenic differentiation, and mainly distributed in the cytoplasm. Functional studies showed that, after CAVIN3 interference in preadipocytes, the expression of adipogenic factors and the content of lipid droplets were significantly decreased (p < 0.05). The results were reversed after CAVIN3 was overexpressed. The mechanism research showed that LY3214996 inhibited the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) phosphorylation and further inhibited lipogenic factors expression. Overexpression of CAVIN3 attenuates the inhibitory effect of LY3214996 on ERK phosphorylation and attenuates its inhibitory effect on adipogenic differentiation. Therefore, this study demonstrated that CAVIN3 promotes the differentiation of porcine preadipocytes by promoting ERK phosphorylation. The present study can lay a theoretical foundation for further studying the molecular mechanism of porcine fat deposition.

Near‐infrared spectroscopy for rapid evaluation of winter cereals and Italian ryegrass forage mixtures


Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was employed to determine the differences between forage mixtures of winter cereals and Italian ryegrass and to evaluate fermentation characteristics of mixed silages. Forages were harvested on five phases (Cuts 1–5), with 1 week interval (n = 100). The yield of the last harvest (Cut 5) was ensiled and analyzed on four different days (D0, D7, D14, and D90) (n = 80). Principal component analysis based on the NIR data revealed differences according to the days of harvest, differences between winter cereals and Italian ryegrass forages, and differences in the fermentation stages of silages. The partial least square regression models for crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), and ash gave excellent determination coefficient in cross-validation (R 2 CV > 0.9), while models for ether extract (EE) and total sugar content were weaker (R 2 CV = 0.87 and 0.74, respectively). The values of root mean square error of cross-validation were 0.59, 0.76, 0.22, 0.31, and 2.36 %DM, for CP, CF, EE, ash, and total sugar, respectively. NIR proved to be an efficient tool in evaluating type and growth differences of the winter cereals and Italian ryegrass forage mixtures and the quality changes that occur during ensiling.

Effects of mixed sugarcane tops and napiergrass silages on fermentative quality, nutritional value, and milk yield in water buffaloes


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of sugarcane tops (STs) and napiergrass (NG) silage on fermentative quality, nutritional value and milk yield in water buffaloes. Silage were prepared either conventionally without ST (C) or mixed with 25% (S1), 50% (S2), and 75% (S3) ST based on fresh matter. Twenty-eight lactating buffaloes were divided into four groups with seven replicates and fed four experimental diets containing the corresponding silages. The S3 silage fermented well with a higher (P < 0.05) lactic acid content and lower (P < 0.05) pH and ammonia-N level than those of other mixed silage. Silage with increasing ST proportions showed a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, organic matter, and gross energy. As a result, water buffalo fed S3 silage increased dry matter intake (P < 0.05) and tended to have higher milk yield and feed efficiency as compared with the C group. Our study indicates that adding ST improves NG silage fermentation and enhances the nutrient digestibility and milk production in water buffaloes, and mixing ratio of 25%NG and 75%ST had the highest lactate fermentation quality and presented a high feed value.

Effects of rutin supplementation on growth performance, slaughter performance, serum parameters, and meat quality of Nubian goats


Previous studies found that rutin can improve production performance of sheep and dairy cows. However, it is not clear whether rutin has similar effects in goats. Hence, the aim of this experiment was to study the effects of rutin supplementation on growth performance, slaughter performance, serum parameters, and meat quality of Nubian goats. A total of 36 healthy Nubian ewes were randomly divided into three groups. Goats were fed the basal diet supplemented with 0 (R0), 25 (R25), and 50 (R50) mg rutin per kg of diet. The growth performance and slaughter performance of goats had no significant difference among three groups. The meat pH45min and moisture were significantly higher in the R25 group than the R50 group (p < 0.05), but the color value b* and contents of C14:0, C16:0, C18:0, C18:1n9c, C20:1, saturated fatty acid (SFA), and monounsaturated fatty acid (MSFA) in meat had an opposite outcome. The dressing percentage had an increasing tendency in the R25 group compared with the R0 group (0.05 < p < 0.10), but the shear force, water loss rate and crude protein of meat had opposite results. In conclusion, rutin could not affect the growth performance and slaughter performance of goats; low levels could possibly improve meat quality.

Improved fertility of frozen‐thawed porcine spermatozoa with 3,3‐dimethylglutaric anhydride poly‐L‐lysine as a novel cryoprotectant


In this study, we determined the efficacy of 3,3-dimethylglutaric anhydride poly-L-lysine (DMGA-PLL) as a cryoprotectant for porcine spermatozoa. Porcine spermatozoa were cryopreserved in a freezing extender containing 3% (v/v) glycerol and various concentrations of DMGA-PLL. At 12 h after thawing, the motility index of spermatozoa cryopreserved with 0.25% (v/v) DMGA-PLL (25.9) was significantly (P < 0.01) higher than that of spermatozoa cryopreserved with 0%, 0.125%, or 0.5% DMGA-PLL (10.0–16.3). In addition, the blastocyst formation rate of embryos derived from spermatozoa cryopreserved with 0.25% DMGA-PLL (22.8%) was significantly (P < 0.01) higher than that of embryos derived from spermatozoa cryopreserved with 0%, 0.125%, or 0.5% DMGA-PLL (7.9%–10.9%). The mean number of total piglets born to sows inseminated with spermatozoa cryopreserved without DMGA-PLL (9.0) was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than that of total piglets born to sows inseminated with spermatozoa stored at 17°C (13.8). However, when spermatozoa cryopreserved with 0.25% DMGA-PLL were used for artificial insemination, the mean number of total piglets (11.7) was not significantly different from that obtained following artificial insemination using spermatozoa stored at 17°C. The results showed the usefulness of DMGA-PLL as a cryoprotectant in the cryopreservation of porcine spermatozoa.

Effects of medium‐chain fatty acids (MCFAs) on in vitro rumen fermentation, methane production, and nutrient digestibility under low‐ and high‐concentrate diets


This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different dosages and types of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) on rumen fermentation in vitro under low- and high-concentrate diets. For this purpose, two in vitro experiments (Exp.) were conducted. In Exp. 1, the concentrate–roughage ratio of the fermentation substrate [total mixed rations (TMR), dry matter (DM) basis] was 30:70 (low-concentrate diet), while in Exp. 2, it was 70:30 (high-concentrate diet). Three types of MCFAs with octanoic acid (C8), capric acid (C10), and lauric acid (C12) were added accounting for 1.5%, 6%, 9%, and 15% of the in vitro fermentation substrate weight (200 mg or 1 g, DM basis) based on control group, respectively. The results showed that the addition of MCFAs all could significantly reduce methane (CH4) production and the number of rumen protozoa, methanogens, and methanobrevibacter under the two diets with the dosages increased (p < 0.05). In addition, MCFAs had a certain degree of improvement on rumen fermentation and influenced in vitro digestibility under low- and high-concentrate diets, and their effects were related to the dosages and types of MCFAs. This study provided a theoretical basis for the selection of types and dosages of MCFAs in ruminants production.

Effects of dietary organic or inorganic iron concentrations on productive performance, egg quality, blood measurements, and tissue iron concentrations in aged laying hens


The objective of the current experiment was to investigate the effects of dietary organic or inorganic iron (Fe) concentrations on productive performance, egg quality, blood measurements, and tissue Fe concentrations in aged laying hens. A total of three hundred fifty 60-week-old Hy-Line Brown laying hens were allotted to one of five dietary treatments with seven replicates. Each replicate had 10 consecutive cages. Organic Fe (Fe-Gly) or inorganic Fe (FeSO4) was added to the basal diet at the levels of 100 or 200 mg/kg Fe. Diets were fed on an ad libitum basis for 6 weeks. Results indicated that supplementation of organic or inorganic Fe in diets increased (p < 0.05) eggshell color and feather Fe concentrations compared with no supplementation of Fe in diets. An interaction was found (p < 0.05) between Fe sources and supplemental levels in diets for egg weight, eggshell strength, and Haugh unit. Hens fed diets supplemented with organic Fe had greater (p < 0.05) eggshell color and hematocrit than those fed diets supplemented with inorganic Fe. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of organic Fe increases the eggshell color of aged laying hens. High supplemental levels of organic Fe in diets improve egg weight in aged laying hens.

The development of sleep‐like posture expression with age in female Holstein calves


Sleep plays an important role in cattle production and welfare. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the development of sleep-like posture (SLP) expression in dairy calves from birth to the first calving as an indicator of their sleep behavior. Fifteen female Holstein calves were subjected. Daily SLP was measured eight times (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 18 months and 23 months or 1 month before the first calving) using an accelerometer. Calves were kept in individual pens until weaning at 2.5 months old and then kept in the group. The daily SLP time decreased rapidly in early life; however, the rate of decrease gradually slowed and eventually reached a stable level of approximately 60 min/day after 12 months old. The daily SLP bout frequency showed the same change as the SLP time. In contrast, the averaged SLP bout duration slowly decreased with age. Longer daily SLP time during early life in female Holstein calves might be related to brain development. The individual expression of daily SLP time differs before and after weaning. Some external and/or internal factors associated with weaning may be involved SLP expression.

Comparison of 2,5‐dimethyl‐4‐hydroxy‐3(2H)‐furanone, a volatile odor compound generated by the Maillard reaction, in cooked meat of various animal species and parts


2,5-Dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone (DMHF), a compound having a sweet caramel-like odor, is one of the major compounds generated by the Maillard reaction. DMHF could affect the palatability of cooked and processed foods such as meat, while its inhalation induces several physiological functions. However, basic findings of DMHF generation in meat remain unclear. In this study, we compared the amount of DMHF in cooked meat of various animal meat (Japanese black cattle beef, Australian beef, pork, and chicken) and parts (round, loin, thigh, and breast). Meat samples were heated at 230°C, and then the amount of DMHF was measured using the solvent extraction methods. Moreover, the substrates (total free amino acid and glucose) used for the Maillard reaction were also measured to elucidate the relation between DMHF generation and nutrients in meat. DMHF was detected in all cooked meat samples, suggesting that DMHF is generated in meat regardless of animal species and parts. A significant positive correlation was observed between the DMHF generation and glucose content in the round and thigh parts. Our results suggest that DMHF generation during meat cooking would be regulated by the glucose content.