For any further information, please contact:
Head, University Library, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open University
Prof.G.Ram Reddy Marg, Road No.46, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033
Phone: 040 -23551171
Fax No.:+91-40-23544830
University Homepage:
Our Library

First Floor: University Librarian chamber, Administrative section, Acquisition/ Technical Section Journal/Serial section, Newspaper reading room, Xerox room, Circulation and Lending section, General issue books Stack Area, OPAC, Property counter, UPS room.
Second Floor: Reference section, Back volumes of Journals, Thesis, University Course Material, Research Network Station with Internet facility. The library is fully automated with LIBSYS 10 Library Management System.
Objectives of the Library
* To develop an appropriate collection in various disciplines
* To help the self learning process of distance learning.
* To support research.
* To provide reading, lending, reference, information services to the staff, researchers and students.
* To develop a special collection of distance education books and journals.

BRAOU Library Collection
Library Collection (As of 31st March 2021)
The Library has a total collection of over 1,50,721 documents at the Central Library and the Study Centres. The collection includes — Books, Non-book Materials comprising Audio-Video Cassettes, charts, maps, models, CD-ROMs, etc.
Sl.No. | Document Type | No.of Documents |
1. | Books (Telugu, Hindi, Urdu, ODA-Books,French and Gift) | 77698 |
2. | Non-Book Material (Audio-Video Cassettes, Charts, Maps, Models, CD- ROM’S, ETC.) | 3914 |
3. | Back Volumes | 8375 |
4. | Thesis/Dissertations | 228 |
5. | Course Material of Dr.BRAOU | 1414 |
6. | Study Centre Books | 59092 |
Print Journals | | |
7. | Periodicals | 35 |
8. | Magazines | 20 |
9. | Newspapers | 20 |