Abstract Development has to be essentially in moral terms, not just material and technological. Mahatma Gandhi defined civilisation in moral terms. His disciple economist, Kumarappa, believed in a long-term tendency…
Abstract In developing world, the risk behavior of farmers is very crucial as their daily risk and uncertainty decisions affect their livelihood and overall well-being in the long run. Recent studies related to risk…
Abstract Asia has been experiencing much faster economic growth than the world average and has been consuming more energy and natural resources than our planet’s regenerative capacity can provide. With each passing …
Abstract Private tutoring is widespread in India, and its demand is growing over time. In this paper, we employ a two-step Heckman selection model to analyse the role of socioeconomic and school-related factors in …
Abstract We examine whether the positive effects of educational attainment on views toward ethnic diversity and a sense of world citizenship are influenced by personal views related to gender equality, civil rights …
Abstract In this study, we examine the “geography of mobility” for rural India. We study the spatial determinants of intergenerational occupational mobility across villages in India. Using a nationally representativ…
Abstract This study has two purposes; the first is to test differences between dominant and subordinate groups in India and South Africa. For India, the comparison is between caste groups: the dominant “forward cast…
Abstract On the basis of the lubricating corruption effect hypothesis (grease-the-wheels hypothesis), the impact of corruption on growth seems ambiguous. Therefore, the question that arises is how corruption affects…
Abstract Most African countries are open to international trade as shown by their signatories to various trade agreements such as the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the EU, and the Forum on China-Africa C…
Abstract This paper focuses on trend in India’s agricultural growth estimated based on structural breaks in agricultural GDP from 1981–82 to 2019–20, using Bai–Perron multiple breakpoint method. The paper also exami…